Friday, February 10, 2012

The Continuum of Positive Behavior Intervention and Support: Tier One Supports

Emaley McCulloch from Autism Training Solutions will be giving a free webinar on February 29 as part of the monthly free PD theme here at School Improvement Network. Emaley is writing a few blog posts to help you understand her webinar topic, Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports. 

And here's a hint for ya--it's not just for children with autism, and it's essential for classroom management. Enjoy!

The Continuum of Positive Behavior Intervention and Support: Tier One Supports

PBIS is organized into a continuum in which students receive levels of support based on their social and behavioral responsiveness to intervention. Not all students will respond the way we may want or expect them to when using school wide or classroom management strategies. Additional interventions and supports may need to be in place for some individuals.  For example, the ability to earn a star on a chart may not be sufficient reinforcement for Emily to finish or remember her homework. She may need a more individualized incentive program.

A three-tiered prevention logic lends the flexibility to provide broad interventions for most students, provide additional supports for some and, intensive and highly individualized supports for few. PBIS is related to Response to Intervention (RtI) in this way.  Literacy and numeracy implementation frameworks are examples of the application of RtI for academic behavior, and PBIS is an example of the application of RtI for social behavior (PBIS Center, 2009).

positive behavior intervention support graph
PBIS is about improving classroom and school climate by making it positive, strengths focused and maximizing academic achievement by nurturing behaviors that support learning. 

What are some PBIS Practices that work for most students?
  1. Make behavioral expectations for school and classroom positive and clear. (e.g., Say, “Clean up after yourself” instead of “Don’t leave your trash around”)
  2. Defining and teaching classroom routines (e.g., establish a signal, such as an auditory cue, for obtaining class attention)
  3. Establish self-management routines (e.g., time to fill out a checklist of work tasks to complete)
  4. Establish a positive environment (e.g., catch them being good! Five positive comments for every correction)
  5. Create a functional, physical layout in the classroom (e.g., classroom activities have locations, teacher has clear view of whole class, traffic patterns/transitions are established)
  6. Maximize engagement (e.g., opportunities for student responses 0.5/min)
  7. Promote success (e.g., adaptations available to match students ability)
  8. Utilize hierarchy of responses to problem behavior (e.g., have specific behavior assessments and plans for individuals whose behavior impedes their learning or the learning of others)
  9. Use various modes of instruction
  10. Ensure systems are available for educators to request behavioral assistance
A.W. Todd , Rob Horner, George Sugai, University of Oregon May 2004

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